Sadako 3D is a 2012 Japanese horror film and fourth Japanese sequel to the very first Ring or Ringu back in 1998 adapted from the novel "Ring" by Koji Suzuki. Sadako 3D is directed by Tsutomu Hanabusa which stars Satomi Ishihara, Koji Seto & Yusuke Yamamoto slated for a May 12, 2012 Japanese theatrical release in spooktacular 3-D! Let's check out this fourth Japanese sequel to the popular Asian horror Ring series:

Sadako 3D
Plot / Synopsis
14 years after the original Ring movie, Sadako returns to the big screen in 3D!
Akane is a high school teacher who hears a rumor from her students that there is actual footage on the Internet of someone’s suicide. The footage is said to drive anyone who sees it to also commit suicide. Akane does not believe the rumor at first, but when one of her female students dies after viewing the footage, she and her boyfriend Takanori are fatefully drawn into the horror that has been created by the man who appears in the suicide footage, Kashiwada.
Kashiwada’s intention is to create chaos in the world by bringing back Sadako and the power of her curse. Now Akane has to fight against Sadako and Kashiwada to save the lives of herself and Takanori.”
The film opens in Japan on May 12, 2012.
Watch Sadako 3D movie trailer here:
Sadako 3D Official Movie Trailer Impressions
Sadako 3D Film Trailer Review
We can't deny that nostalgia plays a big part in the success of a movie. Adaptations of an an iconic television show, book, or video game will usually bring out a feeling of excitement to those who grew up with such titles. The original Japanese Ring is probably one of the first Asian horror films that spook the living hell out of me as a kid which made me fell in love with it as a horror fan later on (the next film being Ju-on/Grudge). Knowing that Sadako 3D is a movie written by the original author of the nove Ring, this makes me more excited to see how will they creep out the fans who grew up with their Ring film series.

Ring's Sadako (Ringu) - 1998 Japanese horror film by Hideo Nakata.
I have read a couple of rumors regarding Sadako 3D: Mainly that the film is a spin-off movie and that the title is still subjective to change. Well, at least it is not a reboot. The past Ring films were uniquely scary in their own time and although it would be interesting to see how will Japan upgrade the scares, they decided not to. Luckily Japan isn't that crazy about making reboots unlike Hollywood. Spin-off movie? why not. Seeing the films synopsis, there is a more sinister power behind the resurfacing of the curse of Sadako, the question is will he have the same tragic story that drove him to extreme ends to creating chaos through Sadako's curse? That is what I am looking forward to with this film. No, I am not looking forward to its US adaptation but for the subtitled version if ever it gets an international theatrical release or even in home video format. And Sadako 3D? Well, I think it is a lame title as well. They can improve it by omitting the 3D and just going with plain old Sadako, although Ring: Sadako's Curse would probably have a nicer tone to it, but that's just me. Will the scares be elevated by incorporating 3-D, that is what will everyone find out once it gets released in spooktacular 3-D.

Generally fans of the Ring are pretty much hyped about this Japanese film. Hopefully seeing the international reception, the people behind it would release this internationally, but knowing the internet and devoted fans this will definitely be available in some definite time in the not so near future. Sadako 3D trailer has its creepy moments and some really cliche but still creepy parts present in a typical Asian horror movie, something that I personally adore.

What about you guys? Are you a fan of the original Japanese Ring Series? What did you love or hate about it? Share your thoughts about Sadako 3D 2012 Japanese movie trailer in the comments section below: