Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United is an upcoming 2013 Marvel Animation Studios direct-to-home video (DVD and Bluray) animated spin-off movie featuring Iron Man and Hulk. Let's check out the first trailer of Marvel's Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United that debuted on the Ney York Comic-Con 2012 here.

Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United
Plot / Synopsis
Shellhead and the Jade Giant team-up against Zzzax, Abomination, Wendigos and more in an all-new adventure premiering on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital April 23, 2013.
Source: Marvel
Watch Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United movie trailer here:
Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United Official Movie Trailer Impressions
Marvel's Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United Film Trailer Review
Marvel recently announced in the New York Comic-Con 2012 (NYCC 2012) a new Avengers spin-off movie featuring only The Hulk and Iron Man with Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United. It is very obvious from the trailer that the film uses the likeliness of the Iron Man and the Hulk in the 2012 hit The Avengers live action film. Unfortunately it didn't feature the same actors to voice Hulk and Iron man, but it is just a minor set back for this cell-shaded animated film.

Although there hasn't been any official plot revealed, it doesn't take a genius to come up one thanks to this trailer. Iron Man's facilities has been compromised and it is up to him and the Hulk to control the situation caused by an infiltration of one of Iron Man's adversaries. Hopefully they can explain as to why the other Avengers are missing in action to justify the team-up. Of course the real threat of this is the Hulk Buster which can stand up against with the Hulk, but we obviously know what will happen on this clash. What we are curious with is how will they get to that epic conclusion. Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United is set to be released on April 2013.

How about you guys, what do you think about this direct-to-home video cell-shaded animated film of Hulk and Iron Man? Share your thoughts in the comments section below: