Robot and Frank is a 2012 comedy-drama sci-fi film under the direction of Jake Schreier and stars Peter Sarsgaard, Frank Langella and Susan Sarandon slated for an August 2012 theatrical release. The film made a debut in the Sundance Film Festival back in January 2012. Let's take a look at this seemingly lighthearted film about a man who almost at the dawn of his life and a new found friend.

Robot and Frank
Plot / Synopsis
Set in the near future, an ex-jewel thief receives a gift from his daughter: a robot butler programmed to look after him. But soon the two companions try their luck as a heist team.
Watch Robot and Frank movie trailer here:
Robot and Frank Official Movie Trailer Impressions
Robot and Frank Film Trailer Review
After watching the official trailer, Robot and Frank has this lighthearted feel to it. This might possibly the case of some of our old folks and technology nowadays, Frank just fast forward it a bit with a bit of twist, an A.I. companion that seems to be more human than a cold machine.

My impressions about a film isn't usually swayed by the recognition a film receives, but I guess this is worth a try. Robot and Frank has this certain vibe where you can just watch it with your family and feel good afterwards, we might also learn a thing or two about our elders and life in general.

How about you guys, what can you say about this sci-fi film about a man almost at the dawn of his life getting a new friend in a form of a robot with a sophisticated A.I.? Share your thoughts about Robot and Frank movie trailer in the comments section below: