Looper is a science-fiction action film directed by Rian Johnson and stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, and Emily Blunt. Looper is another film with a time travel plot and slated for a September 2012 international release by TriStar Pictures. Let's take this Levitt-Willis action sci-fi here.
Plot / Synopsis
In the year 2042, a man working for a group of killers called "Loopers" (they work for the mob and kill people who are sent blindfolded back in time from the year 2072 by their bosses) recognizes a victim as himself. He hesitates resulting in the escape of his older self.
Watch Looper movie trailer here:
Looper Official Movie Trailer Impressions
Looper Film Trailer Review
They just wanna have fun... Now after that stupid pop culture reference is out of the way. Looper is a another one of those time travel sci-fi films that pits the main character with himself. The usual question in this sort of films is to who, what, when, and how did he end up confronting the version of himself?
The film's main selling feature is the Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis team up. Next would just be the story and the film's Noir setting. I am not really hyped up about the plot, but am curious as to how will the action and mystery element unfold. Not to mention seeing Willis and Levitt in a solid action mystery sci-fi title. Hopefully it would not be as predictable as I initially think of movies of these genres. 2012 is truly shaping to be the year of Sci-Fi action films.
How about you guys? What do you think of this 2012 sci-fi action film from TriStar Pictures? Share your thoughts about the Looper trailer in the comments section below: