House at the End of the Street is a 2012 horror thriller film directed by Mark Tonderai, with the story by Jonathan Mostow and David Loucka for screenplay. House at the End of the Street stars Jennifer Lawrence, Elisabeth Shue and Max Thieriot ad is slated for a September 2012 theatrical release. Let's check out this horror film.
House at the End of the Street
Plot / Synopsis
Newly divorced Sarah and her daughter Elissa find the house of their dreams in a small, upscale, rural town. But when startling and unexplainable events begin to happen, Sarah and Elissa learn the town is in the shadows of a chilling secret.
Watch House at the End of the Street movie trailer here:
House at the End of the Street Official Movie Trailer Impressions
House at the End of the Street Film Trailer Review
The House at the End of the Street trailer has an interesting movie trailer. It kind of reminiscent of Dead Island's trailer that plays backwards but it is really not. On that note, this trailer deserves some recognition.
A film about how curiosity killed the cat. What's the mystery behind that house at the end of the street? What are these explainable events that are vaguely shown in this trailer. H.A.T.E.S. film has some really intriguing things going on on its trailer. Hopefully it transcends to the actual product. The big question in my mind now to whether the film is really a horror (the supernatural kind) film or a psychological thriller?
What do you guys think of this trailer playing backwards? Share your thoughts on House at the End of the Street trailer on the comments section below: