War of The Worlds: Goliath - The Inevitable War

The classic 1898 alien-invasion novel by H.G. Wells War of the Worlds has been remade into several movie adaptations and the last notable one is Steven Spielberg's modern version of "War of the Worlds"(2005). This time it is going to be adapted into an unofficial sequel animated movie through War of the Worlds: Goliath.

war of the worlds goliath 2010

War of the Worlds: Goliath Synopsis:

It’s an R rated, retro-history, steam-punk epic set in 1914, fourteen years after the first failed Martian invasion. Mankind has rebuilt her cities and military by adapting a lot of the abandoned Martian technology. They’ve created an international defense force, A.R.E.S., based on the lower end of Manhattan and under the command of Theaodore Roosevelt. They’ve built a formidable force centered around giant, steam-powered battle tripods [such as the sub-titular Goliath]. Think of Band of Brothers meets Star Wars, meets World WO. It will be cool steam-powered battle tripods, doomed Cossack cavalry charges, Victorian decco, steam-punk Manhattan, 1500-foot-long armored battle zeppelins, Teddy Roosevelt, souped up tri-planes, blood on steaming metal, sex in the cockpit… the usual.”

Watch the War of the Worlds Goliath trailer here:

War of the Worlds: Goliath Trailer from Youtube

war of the worlds goliath art

Here are some of the steampunk machine to "mechs" that you will see in the animated War of the worlds: Goliath movie:

martian invader

achilles class goliath

Visit the Official War of the Worlds: Goliath Website for trailers, screenshots and behind the scenes here:

war of the worlds goliate poster
