Watch God of War E3 gameplay trailer here:

God of War Official E3 2016 Video Game Trailer Impressions
God of War Electronic Entertainment Expo 2016 Gameplay Trailer Review

So what can be said for the God of War E3 2016 gameplay trailer? The God of War E3 2016 looks stunning and different at the same time. Different in a subjective way. The question what's next for the always-angry Olympian God-slaying Spartan after the 2010's epic conclusion of God of War III is answered here — the Norse (mythology) pantheon. The strange thing to notice is that it is simply entitled God of War and not God of War IV, why is that?

Now on with the speculation! We can speculate a number of reasons as to why the current name of the new God of War game for the eight generation console is simply "God of War:" (1) It is simply a working title and a sub-title may very well included on the games future release. It is a direct sequel to the first three main game and they simply ditched the numbering as this is a new start and a new storyline (separate for the Greek god slaying series) as this now takes place in Valhalla of the Norse Mythology; or (3) it is a retcon or reboot of sort of the God of War franchise but instead of the Greek Gods, it now used the Norse mythos. Anyways, more details will surface eventually to finally put to rest all of the speculation. Who knows besides the stunning visuals, the curiosity might also work to help market this next generation God of War game.

How about you guys? What are your thoughts on the God of War gameplay trailer featured on E3 2016? What do you think of the bearded and more controlled (?) Kratos? What about his son? Share your thoughts and opinion on the comments section below: