Jimmy Kimmel gets back at Jay Leno at 10/10 (January 14, 2010)
Either staged or completely gone out of hand. Leno featured ABC's Jimmy Kimmel on the Jay Leno Show's segment 10/10 which ends up Jay bighting off more than he can actually chew.
Jay Leno talks about Conan O'Brien (January 18, 2010)
Jay Leno explains his side of the Tonight show slot conflict before his segment Headlines.
David Letterman speaks his mind about Jay Leno and Conan conflict (January 19, 2010)
David Letterman dips his nose where he shouldn't all for the sake or humor or probably underlying agendas (as seen on the testimonials of the viewers in this video) regarding the NBC's Leno and O'Brien late night slot conflict.
Conan O'Brien's Final Goodbye on the tonight show slot and look back (January 23, 2010)
Finally, fans witnessed the last great show of The Tonight show of Conan O'Brien and here is a short clip from it with a general lesson which everyone should learn to accept.